is my second year participating in OWOH and this year I decided to have 2 winners, yes you read correctly 2! :-) Please feel free to follow my blog :-) Hope you all enjoy my give a way. Just leave a comment and your email so I have a way of notifying the winners which will be announced on Feb 15th.
The first prize is a postcard size book I made using my Bind It All and post card of one of my favorite movies The Mummy Returns. The winner will also recieve 2 extra postcards to collect or use in there own art along with 2 EgyptAir iron ons.

The second prize is of 2 trading card size notebooks I made using trading cards from 2 of my other favorite movies Goonies and Back to the Future. The winner will also receive trading cards from both movies.

The winners have been chosen and they are:
40- Lori- Mummy book
26- Morgan- Goonies
I wish I could give everyone something. Thank you all for stopping by and leaving me a comment which I enjoyed reading!